Hillsboro Fire Protection District Station 1 Hillsboro Fire Protection District Station One is located at 120 5th St., Hillsboro MO, 63050. This station currently houses Pumper 6514, Tanker 6513, Brush Truck 6518, and Utility Truck 6519. Station One is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Station One also houses the Administration Offices of the Fire Chief/Fire Marshal and Deputy Chief and a meeting facility for trainings, Board Meetings and other events. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This engine house has existed since the 70's and had a large addition added to it in the 90's.
Hillsboro Fire Protection District Station 2 Hillsboro Station Two is located at 5750 State Rd. B, Hillsboro Missouri, 63050. This engine house currently has Pumper 6524, Tanker 6523, and Brush Truck 6528. Currently Station 2 is manned 24/7, 365 days a year. Station 2 was built in 2004 and officially dedicated in 2005. Staff worked to restore the hose cart you currently see sitting in front of the engine house!