65142021 Sutphen Pumper It carries 1000 gallons of water along with all the necessary tools for any type of alarm. 6514 is stationed at our Station One.
65242004 Crimson Pumper A twin to 6514, it is stationed at our 2 house. It carries 1000 gallons of water along with all the necessary tools for any type of alarm.
65232001 Sterling/General Pumper Tanker6523 is stationed at Station 2 and is a 1000 tanker.
65132016 Pierce FXP TankerThis apparatus holds 3000 gallons of water and serves as the district's water hauler.
65182017 Ford F450 This apparatus serves as our brush truck which is located at Station One. It carries all the necessary equipment to combat a wildland fire.
65281995 Dodge Ram This apparatus serves as our brush truck which is located at Station Two. It carries all the necessary equipment to combat a wildland fire.
65192012 F250It is used for hauling manpower to alarms and other district business. 6519 also responds on EMS alarms when we have enough people at the engine house.
65892020 Polaris Ranger 1000 with a QTAC 85 skid unit holding 85 gallons of water to help extinguish fires in otherwise inaccessible areas. There is also a mount for a stokes (EMS) basket on the skid used to evacuate anyone injured on any of the trails that Hillsboro Fire covers.
6599R & 6599IOne 12' inflatable with a 25 HP motor for use of swiftwater flood rescue. The second is a Blazer 40 HP jetboat for use on the Big River and local community lakes. Both boats will also be used to assist other districts with water emergencies.