The Management of the Hillsboro Fire Protection District strives for transparency. We want our tax payers to know where their money is going and how it is being spent. We are more than happy to discuss any questions our taxpayers may have. Here are a few facts: For the Fiscal Year 2023 (Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2024) the Hillsboro Fire District's tax rate is $0.8212 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. This typically cost a homeowner of a $150,000.00 house $182 a year or 49 cents a day.
As promised with the passage of the 2015 sales tax, your 2024 tax rate has been lowered from our tax rate ceiling of $0.9224 down to $0.8212. That is a full $0.1012 you are saving due to the sales tax.
Our current budget for FY2024 is $1,877,888 from General Revenue (Real, Personal and Sales Tax) and $21,800.00 in other funding sources (permit fees, interest income, sale of assets) for a total of $1,899,688. This money goes to maintain 12 various pieces of apparatus, 2 engine houses, 15 full time paid employees, and 20 volunteer firefighters.
General Fund - All income comes into this account and this account is used to pay the bills every 2 weeks. Annually, money from the general fund is budgeted to be transferred to other funds from this fund.
Equipment and Apparatus Fund - This fund is where we show the money we are saving for long term capital expenses such as fire trucks and other very expensive projects. We attempt to save what we can for capital purchases. A new pumper costs anywhere from $800,000.00-$900,000.00. To replace our entire fleet cost in excess of 3.0 million dollars. We attempt to transfer 10 to 15% annually to this fund. In Within the next 6 years, 2 large fire apparatus will need to be replaced. The combined cost is a million plus. We must be diligent about saving money.
Building and Land Fund - This fund was established to begin the process to save for a long term problems that will need to be addressed for our fire station such as parking lot repairs, computer system upgrades, HVAC projects or other problems.
Check out the links below to view our FY 2024 budgets.
Did you know that we hire an independent audit firm annually to perform a complete audit of the district's financial position and a complete review of management practices? This is part of our Board of Directors and Administration's commitment to the transparency of your fire district. 2023's Audit report can be viewed by clicking the link below!